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About us

Energy is our passion, and utility management has evolved from this passion. Sustainability is a common word today, but many have a hard time understanding how they can make a difference. Sustainability starts with knowing how and when energy is consumed. To reduce consumption, you must know how energy is used, and this all begins with accurate utility data. Paperless billing is also a small step towards sustainability.

Over 10 years of directly utility management, we have seen more invoices than many will see in a lifetime.

Utility bills and data management are more complex than ever before. Energy is a necessity in which many are not pulling all the data needed for cost and usage management.

iEnergyBill can process and manage your facility related utility bills.



Natural Gas

Natural Gas

Water & Sewer

Water & Sewer



What We Offer

Utility bill management can be a costly, time-consuming process and comes with a high risk of human error in the process. What we do is automate the collection and storage while accurately processing and storing data for effortless and straightforward utility bill processing.
Processing utility bills can be resource-intensive with costly late fees. Resolving inaccurate charges can be difficult and cost your organization more money the longer they go unnoticed. We can reduce utility bill processing costs by up to 80%. Late and interest fees are broken down during the process as they often go untracked and applied to other charges in the accounting process.
Utility companies are generating a majority of their income based on your peak demand. Utility companies have also removed demand values from usage download; making it almost impossible to track demand unless you are manually recording each month, which most are not. Each utility bill is run against internal checkpoints for superior data accuracy.
Each utility bill is named and stored as a PDF in your digital filing cabinet with 24/7 client access. Your dashboard uses technologies, processes, and practices designed to keep files and data free from attacks, damage, or unauthorized access.
Process paper and paperless utility bills collecting valuable data often overlooked or are not being collected. Our fast, efficient, and accurate utility bill processing services your multi-site organization and can centralize and streamline its utility management functions. Your utility bills are formatted for direct upload to your accounts payable software and schedule payments. Once the invoice is received we take less than 24 hours to process a utility bill, ensuring the tightest payment deadlines are met.
Utility bills have more to them than just a due date and total. Our process collects demand, usage, pricing, and fees by breaking down the bills, providing easy to read monthly reporting so you can understand the different cost components. Capture usage and analyze critical data to ensure rate optimization and make sure your bills continue to be error-free.
Switching, tracking, and managing rental and leased spaces can be a time-consuming process and a possible accounting nightmare. With rental tracking, you will be able to manage move in and outs easily. Our process makes rental management simple, so you never pay for utilities you should not be paying.
The more accounts under management, the easier it is for billing errors. Our reconciliation process lets you review simple reports showing what was processed and what was not.
Utility bills may contain errors that our process can help identify and resolve before they become costly. Our error identification technology provides an on-going verification process to ensure accurate billing.
Never forget about an energy contract or a security deposit. Timely reminders to review contracts or request a deposit refund. With energy and waste contracts, missing an end date is a costly oversight.

Utility Bill Processing Service Includes

Collection of utility invoice (Paperless and Paper Invoices)
Invoice data processing breakdown of expense and usage info
Secure storage with optimal organization with 24/7 client web access
Data files for simple upload to your accounting software
Usage and cost alerts
Budgeting and forecasting
Data management
Prioritizing and managing any termination or late notices
Monthly reporting and summary
Eliminate errors or duplicate payments

Utility Bill Data, More Important Than Ever!

Utility management is time-consuming and complicated, which creates challenges for site managers and accounts payable employees as many are not utility experts. They are likely to miss the red flags that indicate you are paying too much or paying late fees. If your bills are paid from multiple locations, managing all your invoice data will often create issues and consume time that could be better spent. The value-added from data management will provide you with the tools to have full control of utility expenses.

Breathe better and win for your pocket and the plant!

A paper invoice requires energy to print, paper, ink, logistics, and shipping cost, which all cost money and delays the time needed to pay the bill. Most utilities are net 20 days, and by the time you open the mail and enter the invoice, you already lost 5 to 9 days. Now think about where the bill goes next? Trash, recycling, or scanned for storage. Most utility bills are two-sided, and scanning hundreds of invoices is a time and energy-consuming task. My utilities offer discounts for paperless billing as well.

Harnessing the valuable data on energy consumption and cost drivers can be challenging for a large number of bills across different suppliers and regions.